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You aren’t going to believe this.

I can still not even believe it myself.

Are you ready?


Here we go.

Last night.

I finished writing the first draft of my book. O_O


Let me tell you how it happened;

Emma and I challenged each other to write 100 words a day for this month. Well, we were just bosses with our writing (as I quote Emma 😉 ) and were dishing out thousands of words.

Suddenly, as we were writing together (we FaceTime and write all the time!) I realized I was trying to figure out how to drag out the story because I was nearing the end. I knew that if I kept writing, I would finish it that night.

Then depression struck me. I was not prepared emotionally to be done with this book. Yes, I know there’s still lots of editing and rewriting to do, but still. The story in itself was basically written. And that just made me really sad. I thought I’d be working on my book for over a year. I just wasn’t ready to be done.

I turned off the lights and draped a blanket over me so I could mourn. Emma screenshotted a picture of me:

Depressing, right? Now, yes, that was dramatic of me, but it literally was how I was feeling. It took me forever to continue writing.

After probably 20 minutes or so, I started writing again. And when the very end was in sight, I told Emma I had to go. I needed to give my undivided attention to my book.
This was the end. The tragic, depressing, terrible end.

And I wrote the last sentence. And I just stared at the screen and then into open space. When I clicked out of my document, I felt dead. Drained. It was similar to how I feel when I watch an amazing movie that kills me. Only, I feel like this was worse.

As I helped my mom make lunches for my dad and brother last night, I had the same expression on my face – so solemn. I looked like I just lost something.

Then, as we were watching The Andy Griffith Show, I read a post on Go Teen Writers about taking 6 weeks off after you finish writing your first draft. She mentioned how exciting it is and how you need time to celebrate and then I realized something – I wasn’t happy at all. I was depressed.

I decided right then that I was being ridiculous. Yes, it’s okay to be sad when you finish your first draft, but hey – YOU FINISHED YOUR FIRST DRAFT!!! That is a HUGE milestone! You should be happy and excited!
I mean seriously, this is the longest story I’ve ever written and I’ve made one step closer towards completely finishing it up and having it published!

So now, I’m not fully depressed anymore – I’m happy. Though there is still that sadness inside me (I CAN’T WRITE IT ANYMORE DURING MY FACETIME DAYS WITH COOKIE!!!! *sobs*) but I’m also so excited! I get to enter a new chapter in the life of a writer – editing. Oh, the horror. XD I’ve heard such terrible things and I know this book needs a TON of editing. *whimpers*  BUT I’M EXCITED BECAUSE IT’S NEW AND EXCITING, NO MATTER HOW SCARY IT IS!!! XD

I’m placing my trust in God to help me get through the editing stage. But, you know. I’ll still need all the encouragement I can get from my wonderful writing friends! ;D

Hopefully it’ll be published next year? Maybe? It depends on how much I procrastinate which will definitely be a lot… XD


23 Responses to I Finished….

  • eeeeeee! you finished the first draft? AWESOME!!!! (i have never finished with mine) could you share some of it? pllleeeaaassseee? *puppy eyes*
    Most crazily, ~Olive

  • CONGRATULATIONS, Jaclynn! I’m SOOO happy for you! Finishing your first draft is a huge accomplishment! 😀
    I’m so sorry you didn’t feel good at first, but I’m so glad you’re feeling better now! Keep up the awesome work! I can’t wait to read your book when it’s published. :)
    ~Grace <3

  • AHHH Congrats!!! I so want to try to write a full book but I speed things so much…hopefully my Gen Lit class this year will help with that lol. Hope editing goes well!!! When you’re all done and get it published let us know! I’ll definitely be one of the first to buy it 😀 If you need another editor at any time I’d be happy to help 😉 Seriously though, I’ll be praying it goes well!

    • THANK YOOOUUU!! Oh, I have the EXACT same problem! I don’t even know how I made it with this book… It’s still shorter than I had wanted it to be, but I’m hoping I can fix that in editing 😉
      Ooh, I REALLY want to take a writing class!! I feel like it would help me a ton in my writing!
      I’ll let you know the very minute I publish it! 😀 Awe, thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you! :)

      • AHH YOU’RE SO WELCOME! ?? But you did it and now must tell me your secrets as to how! ? I feel in the world do big writers spit out a novel each year?!
        They definitely do, mine is through BIOLA so it’s pretty tough, they require a lot, but it’s really helpful!..even when you have to write about something you have NO ideas for and don’t want to write about. Definitely recommend it if you get the chance!
        Yay! Ooh all these people talking about Beta testing it…if I could I’d love to be part of it..pleeasee?

        • LOL! Well… I started reading more and realized that each book had more than one conflict. Like there was a main problem, but there were also all these other smaller problems within the book. When I realized that, I was able to add so much more to my book and that helped me make it longer! It’s still short (like 31,000 words I think), but it’s still longer than anything else I’ve written, so I’d say it’s a huge leap in the right direction! You basically just have to figure out how to add more detail and more problems :)
          I KNOW RIGHT?! I could never be an author like that. I’d die. XD
          Oooh, wow! That sounds interesting, for sure! I’ll ask my mom if we can look into something like that :)
          Absolutely! I’d love to have you beta read for me! 😀

    I KNOW RIGHT. When I finished Shadows, I was extremely excited because I had won NaNoWriMo…however, now I often find myself feeling depressed because editing is so BORING compared to writing it. Meh.
    BUT YOU CAN DO IT! I know you can edit that book! Just stay focused, stay committed, and don’t let your mind be shrouded by a million other book ideas. Prioritize your editing process and it will go a lot faster! Although…yeah…I totally get the procrastinating thing. All the time. xD
    Point made. 😉

    • THANKSSSS MISTYYYYY!!! 😀 (is there a bigger smile than that one, because that’s not big enough right now… XD )
      Oh dear…. I just know I’m going to hate editing. O_O
      *sigh of relief* Okay, you made me feel better now! I’ll definitely remember what you said when it comes time for me to edit! You’re such a huge inspiration and help in my writing – thank you so much <3
      Well, a little over 30,000! I was hoping to at least reach 50,000 in my first draft, but um... that didn't work out... XD I'm hoping to extend it more when I start editing and everything. :)
      Thanks again, Misty! :)

      • YOU’RE WELCOME!! :) (Haha, I know right?)
        You probably will, but almost everyone hates editing so you won’t be alone!
        Good! You’ll be fine! 😉 Aww, you’re so welcome. It makes my day to hear that from anyone. ❤️
        That’s great! I originally had 32K with Shadows. Haha same here! xD Yes, you probably will.
        No problem!

        • Ooh wow! So what is your final word count for Shadows now?

  • YAY FOR JACLYNN! *confetti rains from the sky, along with donuts*
    That’s an amazing accomplishment! It’s so awesome that you made it to the end. :) Good luch with editing! XD

    -Clara <3

  • YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good job!

  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! 😀 *BB-8 thumbs-up*

    I’ve started many, many stories and only finished about one or two, so I understand what an ENORMOUS accomplishment this is! Maybe I can beta read your story sometime…? Pretty please? 😉


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I'm a crazy writer, fangirl, donut-loving teen with an obsession for BB-8. I hope you stay and visit a while :) Learn more about me by clicking the picture above!
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