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My American Girl Doll Blog
These are fandoms I am a part of. The images have been found on Facebook or were sent to me by a friend, so I don't know the owners of the images. If you see yours here and would like it removed, just drop me a comment and I'll remove it immediately. Or if it's yours, but you want it linked to you, I can do that as well :)

My Team Won 1st Place in AAWC!
My Team Won Second Place in CWWC!


I saw Loren from Let’s Be Lost make a post like this and I thought it looked super fun and interesting to do!

1. Where do you see yourself job-wise?

Hmm… Right now I’m working in childcare at church (SO FUN), but I don’t think I’ll still be doing that in 10 years… Maybe working at the Disney Store or Carters? The Disney Store would be super fun because everyone there is super nice and fun, you get to hear Disney songs all day, and talk to little chubs like they’re princesses and whatnot. And Carters is just a really nice store and a very comfortable environment, so that would be great :)

2. Do you see yourself married?

YES, PLEASE!! I certainly want to be married by the time I’m 27! I’d like to be married before then, really! I think the latest I’d like to be married by is 24. XD Okay – I just need to say that it feels so weird to realize I’m going to be 27 in 10 years. That’s almost 30!!! :O

3. Do you see yourself having kids?

I’m hoping that I’d be married for about 3 years, so yes, I’d see myself having at least one kid. :)

4. What kind of house would you live in?

Um…. I’ll probably be in an apartment. I think it’d be more practical for that time in life :)

5. Where do you see yourself blog-wise?

I’ll definitely be blogging still! Maybe not as much, but I’ll still blog, for sure 😀

6. Do you see yourself having pets?

I don’t know, really. At least not at that time, but probably later in life for one of my future kids or something. I’d really like to have a dog :)

7. Do you see yourself having a car?

Absolutely. I’ll need to drive to Disneyland, my parent’s house, to stores – all that stuff. BUT DISNEYLAND IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE – STAR WARS LAND!!! *dies* (of course, I had to mention Star Wars somewhere in this post, right? XD )

Well… It’ll be super interesting to see if any of these turn out to be true in 10 years! It’s so crazy how you could so see a plan for your life before your eyes, but then – whoopsie! God has something else in mind. If I’m not even married by that time – I know several of those things won’t be happening. XD

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


Hi everyone!!!

Last week Emma and I were talking about how our phones make us sick. Or, rather, how much we use our phones makes us sick. We both have the problem of checking something (for her it’s Pinterest, for me, my WordPress feed), closing that app, and then instantly reopening it. How disgusting is that, right? Are we really so desperate that we have to reopen the same app once we close it?!

The sad answer is, yes, we are.

So we challenged each other (in an epic conversation of speaking in ridiculously long hashtags) to go a day without using our phones or computers.
These are the rules we made:
1. We can use our phone if a parent texts us.
2. If there was an emergency.
3. For a calculator.
4. We can use the computer to write only.
5. We can’t watch anything unless it’s with someone.
6. Taking pictures is allowed, but no posting.

So Monday was our day we spent away from the online world and distracting apps and games. And each other.

We both recorded our day and here is my little diary of a sort, of what I did and went through yesterday without a phone or computer:


I was woken up from a sound sleep by my mom. Of all days, I wanted to sleep in today, hoping it would kill time of being without a phone. But instead, I had to get up EARLY so I could lock the door while my parent’s went to take my dad’s car in. I was so into my dream!! I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!! *cries* And I’m so dead. *yawn*
While they were gone, I read 2 chapters of The Guardian by Beverly Lewis. It was hard not to go on my phone in the morning and catch up on things…


I’ve been up for about an hour and I still feel dead. Thank God for coffee (may I add that it’s in a BB-8 mug? 😉 )! My mom and I had our weekly planner meeting. I’m moody cause I got up early and don’t wanna do things. I don’t know why, but I was feeling like a failure….? XD


Oops! I was about to text Cookie. I’m feeling better now and more like myself. Now I was about to stalk blogs on my phone. Jaclynn, GET IT IN YOUR HEAD!!! NO SCREENS!!!!
Wow. I’m tempted to use my phone like every 5 minutes. I definitely have an unhealthy addiction.


*deep breath, deep breath* Okay – I worked out and now I’m out of breath. Whew!
What to do…. I guess I could start cleaning my room… *groan* Oh! I tidied up the bathroom! YAY! Why can’t guys put their stuff away after they use it…. -_-
Remember how I mentioned earlier that our car had to be taken in? Well now we also have to take my mom’s car in cause it died. o_o


Cleaning room and watched an episode of Little Rascals with my dad (SPANKY IS SO ADORABLE HELP). I’m really hungry…. still haven’t used my phone. Well, only to read a text from my dad and to talk to my mom. 😉


Well, I ate lunch (teriyaki chicken! Yum!) and watched 2 more episodes of Little Rascals with my dad. I got tempted to use my phone, but didn’t.
Then I watched my mom setting up our new printer. It’s so cool! I need to find something to print out so I can use it (I CAN PRINT THINGS OUT FROM MY PHONE NOW OH MY GOSH)!
Oh! And my room is clean! Now what? XD


Just came in from riding the bike. I usually watch something on the iPad while I ride, but instead I read more of The Guardian. It was much easier for some reason and distracted me from my sore, peddling legs. I think I’ll read while I ride from now on!
Uh, guys? I just used my phone……O_O


Boredom has kicked in. I really should write, but where do I get the motivation? Ugh. This day is torture in more ways than one. SAVE ME!!!!
Cookies n Cream Atkins shake – pretty good.
My eyes hurt. I should get my glasses, but they’re all the way across the room in my purse. *tries to use the Force* Did I mention that I got a Facebook messenger notice earlier and how HARD it was NOT to read it?!!?! UGH!!!


Still haven’t written. BUT! I did take pics for a very weird photostory featuring Infinity figures!
*sings* I’m a – potatoooooo…. TIRED! Okay. I should write…. Let’s see if I actually do.


I’M WRITING!!! I love this part I’m writing, oh my gosh. I SHIP THEM!!!! Ahem.
Also I’m about to hit 20,000 words, so please celebrate with me in a little bit….

(I forgot to mention that before I started writing I was sprawled out on my bedroom floor singing a very weird version of that song from the Muppet Movie about being a muppet of a man. And then I started quoting things in WEIRD, CREEPY voices. Yeah…. XD )


20,550 WORDS!!! OH MY SWEET DONUT!!! I’ve never written anything this long before!!! *dies*
Yes. I did celebrate (by myself – *cries*). I had a brownie and listened to some songs I thought were appropriate for this occasion. Back to writing!!


Oh, I missed 6, didn’t I? Well, I ate dinner and then we had to pick up my dad’s car (which prevented me from being able to take pictures outside -_- ). Now I’m home and we’re probably gonna watch something.
I WANT POPCORN! *cries cause I can’t have any* (I’m trying to eat healthy, so that’s why I can’t have popcorn 😉 )


I’m so tired. We are watching Big Hero 6 and I’m working on an order. Crocheting makes me tired. Need. Sleep.


Movie is over. I’m so tired. I think we’re either gonna watch Mayberry R.F.D. or make lunches for my dad and brother. Can I just stay in this chair? Or better yet, move to the couch? *heart eyes*



I know it’s early, but we’re gonna watch Once Upon a Time and I don’t wanna interrupt it. I’ve almost survived!!!


Time to get ready for bed! I SURVIVED EVERYONE!!! I LIVED A WHOLE DAY WITHOUT INTERNET, MY PHONE, OR WATCHING SHOWS ALL DAY!!! *celebrates* *dances around*

Here’s a little Q&A for myself:

Q: Was it worth it to you?
A: Well, I guess it was. I went through some boredom and had to resist the temptation to use my phone which was hard, but I’d say, it was definitely worth it.

Q: Would you do it again?
A: Yeah, I think so! I feel like I’m constantly disgusted with myself by how much I use my phone. It’s probably because of my phone that I need to wear glasses! Our phones really keep us from socializing and talking with our families. I’ll be doing a post on HRMW soon about this problem. But all in all, I would like to do it again. Maybe make it a weekly thing just to get a break. It’s also crazy how much easier it was for me to write yesterday….

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you’re feeling the same way about your phone and/or computer, I challenge you to do this, too! Though it is hard, it’s really refreshing :)

Have a great day everyone!

If I did this challenge again, would you want me to make another post like this?


Hi, I’m Jaclynn!

I'm a crazy writer, fangirl, donut-loving teen with an obsession for BB-8. I hope you stay and visit a while :) Learn more about me by clicking the picture above!
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