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My American Girl Doll Blog

These are fandoms I am a part of. The images have been found on Facebook or were sent to me by a friend, so I don't know the owners of the images. If you see yours here and would like it removed, just drop me a comment and I'll remove it immediately. Or if it's yours, but you want it linked to you, I can do that as well :)

My Team Won 1st Place in AAWC!

My Team Won Second Place in CWWC!

Hey guys! I thought I’d pop in for a quick hello and to let you all know that I’m at Disneyland with my mom and sister and guess what?! WE’RE IN LINE TO MEET DARTH VADER!!! Agh! I’m SO excited!! 

Umm… Someone just threw up in line so now we’re in line to meet Chewbacca instead πŸ˜‰ We’ll get back to Vader later :)


Anyways, here’s a pic of me and my older sister with my new BB-8 sipper!! Isn’t he cute?! πŸ˜€

Gotta go now, but expect a Disneyland post sometime soon! πŸ˜€



Hey everyone!!! I’m SO excited because NaNoWriMo started yesterday!! YAAAY!!! πŸ˜€ My goal is 10,000 words, so hopefully I can do it! 

I’ve been reading this AWESOME book called Screenplay by Disney and today I finished it. It was one of the most amazing books ever and inspired me so much in my writing and just better understanding on how to write an amazing story. The last sentence was; “Now, put down the book and go pick up a pen or turn on the computer. There are a lot of people out there just waiting to enjoy a good story…” It made me feel so ready to write the greatest story ever!! πŸ˜€

Now, it’s time to start working on my novel for NaNoWriMo…. Let’s do this!!! YAY!!! πŸ˜€

Are you doing NaNoWriMo? If you are, comment your username and we can be buddies! πŸ˜€



Hey guys! I’ve been super Star Wars-y lately, so today I am watching A New Hope and working on my order for a Rey costume. How appropriate, right? πŸ˜‰


Aaah… I just love Star Wars!! My love (or perhaps I should say obsession) for it finally  began to grow this year. I can’t wait for The Force Awakens to come out!!! It’s less than 2 months away now!!! EEE!!! πŸ˜€
I better go now, but I’ll be posting again soon about my trip to Disneyland! Bye for now! :)

What’s your favorite Star Wars movie?



YAY! I’m so happy to be able to tell you that I am finally inspired to write again! πŸ˜€


Here is my storyboard so far. It’s so much fun to stick the notes on there! It makes me feel so professional πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

Now, I’m not going to say what the story is about. I am always very hush-hush about my stories (which is why the picture of my storyboard is blurred πŸ˜‰ ), but I think I’ll tell you the name of it, just because I’m excited :) It is called – “Painting Away The Darkness”! πŸ˜€

I’m still unsure if this will be a photostory series on my other blog, LHOAG, or if I will try to turn it into an actual book. I guess I’ll just have to see how things go :)

Are you working on a story right now? I’d love to know! πŸ˜€


Hi! Hallo! Guten Tag! And all that fun stuff πŸ˜‰

So, yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with journals…. I don’t know what happened, but seriously, journals are amazing! XD
My mom and I were at Target today looking for post-it notes, but then wandered down an aisle that had journals. And notebooks. And it was amazing, so I took pictures to share with you because I was just so excited! LOL!


Here is most of the display. I honestly had NO idea that Target sold journals!!! Like – OH MY GOSH!! And there were a lot of super cute ones, too!!


Like this one! So simple, yet so cute :)


This one is so cute! I loved the texture and that it had a magnet closure πŸ˜€



Okay, for some reason, these were adorable to me! They felt amazing, too. Oh my gosh. And it’s just a little three pack that say “chapter 1.”, “chapter 2.”, and “chapter 3.”!


One pack was open already, so I thought I’d just show you the other two. Aren’t they cute?!


And they had adorable mini notebooks!


This makes me want to watch VeggieTales… πŸ˜›


This. Is. So. Adorable :O


Raise your hand if you love typewriters! *raises hand* I hope you raised your hand because typewriters are so cool! LOL! XD


I just love telephones ^_^

In case you’re wondering, yes, I did get something!


It’s this really cool journal that’s inspirational and asks you questions about yourself, your goals, etc. :)


Here’s the first page.


It has cute littleΒ things like this all throughout the book, which I realized splits things up into sections. So that section would be about beauty, one would be about traveling, writing, and so on πŸ˜‰


Here’s an example of something they’d have you write about :) (I’ve noticed a few typos in this book… Notice the one in that sentence?)


I. Died. J.R.R. Tolkien. LOTR. YES!!! πŸ˜€


This quote is so awesome!!! πŸ˜€


Oh! I also got another journal recently… Hehe… πŸ˜€ I just love what is says! It makes me think of Cinderella :)


And there are crowns inside!!! πŸ˜€

I’m also excited cause while we were at Target, I got poster board and stick-it notes (that I mentioned earlier πŸ˜‰ ) so I can make a Plot Board/Story Board like Loren talked about here. It got me so excited and I can’t wait to get started! πŸ˜€

Aren’t journals amazing? XD


Hello there! I’m back again with another movie review. Today I will be talking about Jurassic World! As with all of these posts, there will be major spoilers and these ones you’d definitely want to be surprised by, so if you haven’t seen Jurassic World yet, please DO NOT readΒ the words that aren’t in bold and crossed out πŸ˜‰

The Story:
In my opinion, I think the story was GREAT! For me it was very believable and it all felt so real. When first seeing the trailer, I knew it was going to be a good movie, but it wasn’t. It was an AWESOME movie!! It is very intense, so I know that this movie won’t be good for some people to watch, but if you’re like me and like intense adventures that keep you on the edge of your seat, then you MUST see this movie! πŸ˜€

My Favorite Scene:
Oh, gosh. I don’t know if I can pick…. Maybe the ending scene! Oh my gosh it is so epic!!!!!!Β When the T-Rex comes and starts fighting The Indominous Rex and then oh my gosh!! I totally thought that Blue had died!! So when he came and started helping, too I got SO excited!!! πŸ˜€

The Cast:
I think the cast did a great job! Chris Pratt was awesome and it was so interesting for me to see Bryce Dallas HowardΒ in it because she’s Ron Howard’s daughter!! I kept thinking “Oh, my gosh she totally looks like Opie!” LOL!

The Feeling:
Okay, let’s start at the very beginning of the movie when you see “Universal Studios” on the screen and you hear the music – I literally smiled so big! Just by THAT I knew how awesome this movie was going to be! Throughout the entire movie my eyes were widened and I had my hand over my mouth in suspense and fear the entire time! I even slammed my hands down on my legs (not super loud or hard, though πŸ˜‰ ) in one scene because I got mad LOL! When I walked out of the theater I was so hyped up and excited, I wanted to scream! Β I really think this is the most intense movie I have ever seen and I’m really looking forward to watching it again! It’s on my list of top favorite movies πŸ˜€

I rate this movie 5 out of 5 stars!! I LOVED THIS MOVIE!!! πŸ˜€

Until next time! :)


I have been working on writing a book, but I’ve barely done anything with it. I can see what’s going to happen in my mind, but I just can’t write it. Does that sound weird? It’s just that, the way I write is I can’t just start writing and everything flows well. I have to be inspired. But that totally goes against a quote I wanna work by which says, “Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration.” ~ Ralph Keyes. I have been able to just start writing when I’m uninspired a couple of times, but most of the time, it doesn’t work out. The weird thing for me right now is that I feel inspired to write, but I’m somehow finding it hard to start. I don’t know why, though. I honestly don’t know how long it’s been since I worked on my book. It’s been over a month for sure. Probably going on 2 months!
So I’m wondering…. What do you do when you just can’t seem to write? Do you force yourself into working on your story? Or do you just keep waiting until you feel ready? I really miss writing and I’d love to start having my writing days again, but I’m just so confused and don’t know what to do….

Any advice or inspiration would be really appreciated! :)


So, the other day, while I was in my room taking pictures for my other blog, I heard my brother come home from work, but didn’t go out to say “Hi!” since I was in the middle of something. So he called out “Hey Pack!” (that’s my nickname LOL!) “What?” I yelled back. “Come here!” “Why?” “Because! Don’t you wanna say hi to your brother?” So I stopped what I was doing and walked into the kitchen and saw my brother standing there with the LEGO Jurassic World video game!!! I like screamed and just gave him a HUGE hug!! I was laughing, super excited, and felt like I was going to cry!!


Just to be clear, this game is not mine. So now you might be thinking, “Why are you so excited then?” And here’s the answer to that – Me and Jordan always used to play the LEGO video games together. It’s always been one of my favorite things to do with him. But when we got the LEGO Marvel game, it froze a lot and we would lose all of our progress and would have to do things all over again (which took forever!). Eventually, Jordan was just done with it and we never ended up finishing the game 100%. I didn’t think he would ever want to play any of the new LEGO games again and he didn’t really seem interested anymore (especially in The Hobbit one). So to see that he had bought LEGO Jurassic World for us to play together really touched me. Especially since I know that he’ll be leaving soon (since he’ll be getting married) and we probably won’t play these games anymore. But for the time being, I’m gonna enjoy playing this game with him and sharing those good times together. Making memories that will last a lifetime :)

So we played the game the other night and oh my gosh it’s AMAZING!!!! We did the whole first movie in one night!! It was AWESOME!! I love all the characters, the actual dialogue from the movies, and just the silly things they add in! LEGO games are so stinkin’ fun! πŸ˜€

Is there a special thing you enjoy doing with your sibling(s)? Do you like the LEGO video games?


Hello! I thought it would be fun and interesting to start talking aboutΒ movies that I see. Please do not read if you haven’t seen the new live action Cinderella movie and don’t want any spoilers, as I will be mentioning some major ones :)

The Story:
I am really happy that Disney kept the Cinderella movie true to the original. Although there were some minor things added, such as Cinderella’s mother and father being alive at the beginning, her father was a merchant, Cinderella first meets the prince in the woods, and just simple things such as that, but really, I loved it all! There was one change, however that I didn’t like and that is that they made Jaq be a girl, changing the name to Jacqueline. And they didn’t have Bruno in it either, which was a little disappointing, but it didn’t bother me too much.

My Favorite Scene:
Oh, my goodness there are so many! I love when Cinderella and Kit first meet in the woods!!! It’s just so awesome and sweet! And oh, their dance at the ball is just beautiful! And, AAAAAH! THE ENDING!!! When Kit is disguised as a guard and he hears Cinderella singing and insists that she be brought out – EEE! And when Cinderella comes down and is telling Kit everything she doesn’t have and then says, “Will you take me as I am? An honest country girl who loves you.” And then Kit replies, “Yes, but only if you take me as I am – an apprentice who is still learning his trade.” OMGOSH I DIED!!! πŸ˜€ So, yeah, all of my favorite parts include Cinderella and Kit together. I totally ship them LOL! My mom gave them the couple name, “Kitella” Love it! Oh! I also love when Kit curls up on top of his dad when he’s dying!! It’s so sweet and touching and heartbreaking!

The Cast:
At first when I saw the actress who would be playing Cinderella I thought she would do okay, and I thought the same for the prince. But, oh my gosh, they were PERFECT! I can’t imagine anyone else playing them! Lilly James and Richard Madden did an amazing job! And the stepsisters were great, too! Just as weird and ridiculous as they are in the animated film. The stepmother also did fantastic! When I first saw a trailer with her in it, I thought the acting was kinda cheesy, but again, I was so wrong! Cate Blanchett does a great job at acting as the stepmother- a character that you just hate because she is so cruel.

The Feeling:
This movie was very emotional, although I didn’t shed a single tear, I did get teary. It’s shocking for me that I didn’t cry, but I realize that my emotions came out through my body. I can’t describe how I felt exactly, but it felt like my body just died (although it didn’t really LOL) and I couldn’t move. I was just too sad to cry I guess, or maybe my mood wasn’t cry-ish. Who knows? Her parent’s deaths killed me, Cinderella’s pain of being a servant killed me, her happiness with the prince made me smile, the wedding day made me smile even bigger. And when the movie ended, I just wanted to watch it all over again! I can not wait until this movie comes out on DVD! Literally, I feel like it’s taking a year for it to come out!!! *insert crying face*

I absolutely rate this movie 5 out of 5 stars! I couldn’t be more pleased with this movie!

I hope you enjoyed hearing my thoughts! Let me know if you’d like to see more of these in the future! :)


Hi, I’m Jaclynn!

I'm a crazy writer, fangirl, donut-loving teen with an obsession for BB-8. I hope you stay and visit a while :) Learn more about me by clicking the picture above!

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I’m participating in NaNoWriMo!